Florida Board of
Acupuncture - Licensing, Renewal, Resources, Meetings and Information
The Board plays a leading role in the ever-changing health care environment through dialogue with the public, the legislature, academia, and the community. The Board consists of seven members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Five members are licensed opticians and two members are laypersons. Despite the expiration of their term, Board members continue to serve until they have been replaced.
The Department of Health's Division of Medical Quality Assurance serves as the principle administrative support unit for the Board. The Board is supported by a full-time professional staff based in Tallahassee, and its regulatory functions are funded in full by fees paid by its licensees. Board members are appointed by the Governor and subject to confirmation by the Senate. Unless filling a vacancy, members of the Board generally serve two four-year terms. Despite the expiration of a term, Board members can continue to serve until they have been either replaced or reappointed or serve the maximum of ten years as governed by s. 457.103, F.S. To learn more about becoming a member of the Board, visit the Governor’s Appointments Office website or email appointments@eog.myflorida.com.
To learn more about the licensure process, select the type of license you wish to apply for from the list of professions on the Licensing Page.
The Board has made every effort to include the information you need to apply or renew you license on this website. You can visit our Help Center, FAQs and Resources page for frequently asked questions, links, forms, applications and other helpful information.
Licensees are required to renew their licenses biennially in order to maintain the right to practice. To learn more about the renewal process, select the type of license you wish to renew from the list of professions on the Renewals Page.
Our Resources Page is a tool for accessing applications, forms, publications, statutes, rules and other important information.
The Board meets bimonthly, generally on the first weekend of the month. The full Board meetings include disciplinary cases, licensure approvals, correspondence items, committee reports, policy discussion items and other necessary Board actions.
The Florida Board of Acupuncture was established to ensure that every acupuncturist practicing in this state meets minimum requirements for safe practice. The practice of acupuncture is a privilege granted by the state. The Florida Board of Acupuncture through efficient and dedicated organization, licenses, monitors, disciplines, educates and, when appropriate, rehabilitates its licensees to assure their fitness and competence in providing health care services for the people of Florida.
Volunteers are vital to the Florida Department of Health’s mission to protect, promote, and improve the health of all people in Florida through community efforts. Continue reading →
See how MQA streamlines licensure for those who have sacrificed the most and explore veteran stories, military licensure trends, and more! Continue reading →
Check out the report on the MQA Reports and Publications page to see how MQA is advancing its mission to make Florida the healthiest state in the nation. Continue reading →